SALARY : R216 417 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Durban Region (X3 Posts):
Cost Centre: Metro:
Zibambele Metro Ref No: DOT 44/2025 (X2 Posts)
Cost Centre: Stanger:
KZ292/293 Team 4 Ref No: DOT 45/2025 (X1 Post)
Ladysmith Region (X3 Posts):
Cost Centre: Dundee:
KZ245 Team 2 Ref No: DOT 46/2025 (X1 Post)
Cost Centre: Estcourt:
KZ232/233 Team 3 Ref No: DOT 47/2025 (X1 Post)
KZ235 Team 2 Ref No: DOT 48/2025 (X1 Post)
Inkosi Mhlabunzima Maphumulo House, Pietermaritzburg (X3 Posts):
Maintenance Training Division Ref No: DOT 49/2025 (X3 Posts)
NQF Level 3 (Grade 11) / A National Certificate in Construction; plus A minimum of 3 years road
work maintenance experience, plus A valid driver’s licence (Minimum Code B). Knowledge, Skills
and Competencies Required: Knowledge of maintenance manuals, safety regulations and the
costing system. Knowledge of general procedures. Knowledge of weekly work and plant returns.
Knowledge of the service delivery programme. Knowledge of departmental reporting structure
including transportation committees. Knowledge of legislation/policies and procedures pertaining
to Public Sector. Knowledge of disciplinary procedures. Knowledge of EPMDS. Planning and
organisational skills. Ability to learn, understand and apply. Problem solving skills. Supervisory
skills. Communication skills. Numeracy skills. Computer literacy. The ideal candidate should be
responsible, punctual, conscientious and receptive to suggestions and ideas. All should be
efficient have empathy, cultural awareness and also be able to comply to code of conduct and to
work as part of a team.
Support road construction and/or maintenance work through, inter alia, the following:
Construction of culvert and side drains. Erect and maintain steel guardrails and gabions.
Construction of road earth and layer works. Clean and maintain roads, sidewalks and resting
areas (verge maintenance). Surfacing and pothole patching. Road fencing and pipe laying.
Setting of rod markings/signs. Install roads signs and barricade the work area. Supervise
activities in respect of road construction and/or maintenance work through inter alia the following:
Application of safety and precautionary measures. Conduct Inspections. Exercise control over
tools, supplies and other equipment. Allocate tasks and oversee work performance. Maintenance
of equipment. Co-ordinate the blading program. Exercise control over traffic accommodation.
Mrs MS Hlela (Empangeni)Tel No: (035) 787 1442
Ms N Sibiya (Ladysmith) Tel No: (034) 312 3017/3942
Ms SA Afrika (Durban) Tel No: (031) 700 2222
Please note applications can be hand delivered to the Office of the Department of Transport,
Inkosi Mhlabunzima Maphumulo House, 172 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, or couriered via
postal services to Recruitment & Selection Section, Human Resource Administration Directorate,
Private Bag X9043, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. Applicants are encouraged to apply for posts through
the KZN online e-Recruitment system at
Mr B Hornsby
NOTE : It is the intention of this Department to consider equity targets when filling these positions