sassaSOUTH AFRICAN SOCIAL SECURITY AGENCYThe Social Relief of Distress Grant
The Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant) is administered in terms of app-section 32 of the Social Assistance Act, 2004 (Act No. 13 of 2004) and is implemented with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance.
The Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant) is meant for South African Citizens, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Special Permit Holders who are between the ages of 18 and 60 years, who have insufficient means, who do not receive social grants on behalf of herself/ himself or who are not contributing to or eligible for UIF payment, and have no financial support from any other source.Applicants or their proxy will need to confirm or provide the below information to enable SASSA to consider their application
- Confirmation that they have read and accepted the clauses in the Declaration and Consent Documents
- Personal Details
- Mobile Number (cell phone number)
- Employment Information and Lifestyle Sustainability Information
- Banking Information
Important to note
Please note that all information will be provided electronically and there is no need to upload any documentation. Please ensure that you provide SASSA with a Mobile Number (cell phone number) where we can reach you to provide you with feedback on the status of your application. You can also obtain the status of your application on this website.
Should your application be declined, you will have the right to appeal the SASSA decision by lodging an appeal with the Department of Social Development for each month your application was declined. The process to lodge an appeal will be provided with the notification that your application has been declined. Failure to request appeal for each month that the application is declined will result in the original decision sustained.
How does the SRD R350 grant workSouth African ID Holders
If you have a South African ID Card or Green ID Book with a 13 digit SA ID numberclick here to proceedAsylum Seekers and Special Permit Holders
If you are an Asylum Seeker with a valid File Number or Special Permit Holder from Zimbabwe, Angola or Lesotho
How do I apply for this SRD Grantclick here to apply online
Or you can use the following channel:
WhatsApp: 082 046 8553
You only have to apply once via this web site or the above WhatsApp number and not many times on every channel. SASSA will only process one application received from each applicant.Update your grant application
All active SRD R350 grant applications or reapplications made since April 2022 will automatically be considered for each month until March 2023. Existing applicants can update their responses to the screening questionnaire here, at any time, should their circumstances change or to correct here to update your existing applicationApplication status
My application statusclick here to check onlineReconsideration status check: May 2020 to March 2022
Reconsideration processing for the period May 2020 to March 2022 has been completed and no new applications will be considered for this here to check reconsideration statusLodging an appeal
If your application was declined for any period from April 2022, you may submit an appeal by accessing the DSD appeals websiteHow do I change my contact detailsclick here to change your cellphone number and/or email addressHow do I change my banking details
If you are an approved beneficiary of the SASSA SRD R350 Grant and you wish to change your banking details, please submit your ID Number below. An SMS containing a secure link, unique to you, will be sent to the mobile phone number with which you registered during application.
Click on the link in the SMS and follow the instructions carefully.
Should you select payment into a bank account, please ensure that you are the owner of the account. SASSA cannot pay your grant into another person’s bank account.
Should you select the money transfer option via one of the major banks, please ensure that the mobile phone number on which you received the SMS is registered in your name. SASSA cannot pay your grant into a mobile phone number which is registered to another person.
Please also note that the new banking details will only be used for future payments, after number 0 of 13submitRequest Names and Surname Update
Applicants who’s SRD Grant application was declined based on incorrect names and surname information provided, can complete the fields below and request that their information be updated.
Please ensure that you enter your ID Number, names and surname exactly as it appears in your South African green ID Document or on your Smart ID Card. Your names and surname will only be updated if it matches your details on the Department of Home Affairs number 0 of 13namessurnamesubmitCancel my Application
If your conditions changed so that you no longer need or qualify for the special Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant, you may cancel your application by clicking on the button here to cancel onlineReinstate my canceled application
If you previously canceled your special Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant, but would like to reinstate it, please click on the button here to reinstate online