CLOSING DATE : 17 February 2023, (Applications received after the closing date and faxed
copies will not be considered).
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form Z83 (obtainable from
any Public Service Department office i.e effective 01 January 2021 or on the
DPSA web site link: Should an
application be received using incorrect application employment form Z83, it will
be disqualified, which must be originally signed and dated by the applicant and
which must be accompanied by a detailed CV only (with full particulars of the
applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge & experience).
Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of the interview
which should not be older than six months on or before the day of the interview.
Failure to comply with the above instructions will result in applications being
disqualified. Applicants applying for more than one post must submit a
separate form Z83 (as well as the documentation mentioned above) in respect
of each post being applied for. If an applicant wishes to withdraw an application
it must be done in writing. Should an application be received where an
applicant applies for more than one post on the same applications form, the
application will only be considered for the first post indicated on the application
and not for any of the other posts. Under no circumstances will photostat copies
or faxed copies of application documents be accepted. The successful
candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (criminal record,
citizenship & financial/asset record checks and qualification and employment
verification). Successful candidates will also be subjected to security clearance
processes. Applicants who do not receive confirmation or feedback within 3
(three) months after the closing date, please consider your application
unsuccessful. Due to the large volume of responses anticipated, receipt of
applications will not be acknowledged and correspondence will be limited to
short-listed candidates only. For more information on the job description(s)
please contact the person indicated in the post details. Successful candidates
will be appointed on probation for the period of twelve (12) months in terms of
the prescribed rules.

Defence Policy, Strategy & Planning Division
Chief Directorate: Strategic Management
Directorate: Strategy and Plan
SALARY : R491 403 per annum (Level 10)
CENTRE : Defence Headquarters Erasmuskloof, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : NQF Level 6 (Relevant NQF 6 Tertiary qualification will be preferred). A
qualification with specialization in Management science, Strategic studies or
related field. A minimum of 3 years direct experience in the development and
implementation of corporate strategy, planning, monitoring and evaluation
environment is required. Special requirements (Skills needed): The applicant
must possess excellent research, writing skills, analytic, communication, report
writing and presentation skills. Strong understanding of relevant regulatory
frameworks, Acts, Regulations and Policies as well as Government planning
frameworks, risk management, and monitoring and evaluation. Proficiency in
MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint is also essential.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for departmental Performance
Information, design, development and administration aligned with prevailing
regulatory requirements. Provide a Performance Information technical
evaluation function. Facilitate Performance Information Management, training
and advice. Assist in ensuring the quality control of performance information
indicators within the DOD environment. Administer the Performance
Information enabler and the Performance Information Management System
(PIMS) content. In addition to these duties, the Assistant Director will assist in
the planning, formulation and evaluation of work-procedures to achieve
productivity in support of the Directorate’s Operational Plan. Provide internal
management support to ensure effectiveness and productivity within the subdirectorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms D. Theledi Tel No: (012) 355 6496
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Directorate Integrated management Systems, Private
Bag X161, Pretoria, 0001. Armscor Building C/O Nossob and Delmas Ave,
Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.

SALARY : R491 403 per annum (Level 10)
CENTRE : SA Army Headquarters Unit, Dequar Road, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum qualification: Degree or National Diploma in Work Study
Management Services with Six (6) to eight (8) years’ experience in
Management and Renewal Services. Special requirements (skills needed):
Analytical. Computer and numerical literacy. Facilitation and presentation.
Communication, listening and interpreting skills. Knowledge of relevant policies
and standards. Job Evaluation course qualified. Knowledge of DOD.
Confidential security clearance.
DUTIES : Construct a recommended process design, support the specific mandate.
Determine the inherent work and job requirements needed to deliver the
output. Construct the functional structure. Determine the post detail and
construct an organisational structure reflecting the aims, functions and post
establishment. Post profiles should be included. Determine the structure cost
of the proposed organisational structure. Submit a complete report on
proposed organisational structure for approval. Monitor implementation to
ensure correctness. Prepare Job evaluation (JE) pre-interview questionnaires,
moderating forms, etc. Distribute JE pre-interview questionnaires. Compilation
of post profiles. Conducting interview. Complete job analysis questionnaires.
Capture Job Evaluation data on the EQUATE system or other JE system as
prescribed. Presentation to Moderation Committee. Prepare and submit
standard reports of job evaluation results. Answering enquiries wrt results.
Update JE database and relevant statistics of all job evaluations as completed.
ENQUIRIES : WO2 X.M. Mongoshe/Ms E.T. Nyakhulalini Tel No: 012 355 1455/1602
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Headquarters Unit (Army Headquarters).
Dequar Road, Private Bag X981, Pretoria, 0001

SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09)
CENTRE : SA Army Headquarters Unit, Dequar Road, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum qualification: BA degree/NQF Level 7 in applied
linguistic/Language/Communication. Special requirements (skills needed):
Knowledge of the military. Two (2) Years’ experience in the doctrine and policy
environment. Preferably accredited with the South African Translators’ Institute
(SATI). Confidential security clearance.
DUTIES : Plan and give guidance as Chief Language Practitioner (1st leg) (SO2 Editing).
Give language advice to D Army Doc & Policy wrt doctrine and policy. Submit
required inputs for AMC stats, quarterly status reports and annual status
reports to D Army Doc & Policy. Represent the SA Army at Language Services
Unit meetings in own capacity as language practitioner when required to do so.
Receive and answer enquiries on compiling communications, suitable linguistic
choices, correct register, layout and terminology in support of C Army and staff.
Analyse and improve language usage by editing high profile Army HQ
communications for correctness and successful communication. Analyse and
interpret the DOD Language Policy. Perform the editing and proofreading
function. Participate in translation tasks. Standardise administrative, operating
and technical (AOT) policy issuances, technical publications, instructions and
orders from the chief directorates and SA Army Infantry, Support, Artillery, Air
Defence Artillery, Armour, Engineer, Intelligence, Signal and Training
Formations. Liaise with internal and external language specialists to
benchmark the SA Army processing activities in order to achieve
professionalism and efficiency. Coordinate the lexicographical/linguistic
aspects of systemisation and standardisation of SA Army terminology. Assist
SSO Dev & Maint in integrating specialist terminology lists compiled by the SA
Army formations and the Army HQ in the application of processing activities.
Benchmark SA Army terminology with NATO, US and UK terminology. Answer
all internal and external enquiries on SA Army terminology. Conduct the
processing function in accordance with the internal work procedures of C Dir
Army F Prep and Dir Army Doc & Policy and the objective work programme of
Dir Army Doc & Policy. Research, compile, update and review SWPs on the
processing function. Conduct logistical administration and assist the
administration clerk as inventory holder for the offices of the Processing
ENQUIRIES : WO2 X.M. Mpongoshe/Ms E.T. Nyakhulalini Tel No: 012 355 1455/1602
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Headquarters Unit (Army Headquarters),
Dequar Road, Private Bag X981, Pretoria, 0001

SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09)
CENTRE : SA Army Headquarters Unit, Dequar Road, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Diploma/Advanced Certificate/Bachelor’s Degree/NQF Level 6 in Human
Resource Management. Minimum three (3) years’ experience as a supervisor
(Senior Personnel Officer) in Human Resource environment. Special
requirements (skills needed): Interpretation, Act on Labour Relations. The
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, Public Service Regulation,
2016, Public Service Act, 1994, Labour Relations Act, 1995, Employment
Equity Act, 1998, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997, Public Finance
Management Act, 1999, Policy on Management of Public Service Act
Personnel (PSAP) Probationers in the Department of Defence (DOD),
DODI/POL & PLAN/00051/2001 (Ed 1), Process and Procedures on the
Management of Public Service Act Personnel (PSAP) Probationers in the
Department of Defence, DODD/POL & PLAN/00030/2008 (Ed 1), Standard
Operational Procedure (SOP) CD HRM/DCM/01/2012: The verification of
credentials of recommended candidates before appointment in vacant Public
Service Act posts on level 1-12 vide letter CD HR M/DCM/R/101/1 dated 9 May
2012, Public Service Commission Toolkit on Recruitment and Selection in the
Public Service Delegation of Appointment of Level 1 -10 vide letter
DS/HR/R/501/6 dated 31 March 2009, Promotion & Implementation of Batho
Pele Principles in the Department of Defence, DODI POL & PLAN/00092/2005
(Ed 2), Immigration Act, 2022. Analytical. Computer and numerical literacy.
Facilitation and presentation. Communication, listening and interpreting skills.
Knowledge of relevant policies and standards. Knowledge of DOD.
Confidential security clearance.
DUTIES : Planning and Management of Performants Assessment for SA Army. Manage
and control the advertisement and staffing processes Co-ordinate. Control and
effect promotions on system after approvals. Manage and dysfunctions,
including overpayment and under achievers. Career discussions with direct
subordinates and direct (those who are at formations) on annual basis. Ensure
that development addressed. Manage Probation process. Manage detached
duties within SA Army and inter Arms service/Divisions. Attend the DOD BC
and DCM Forum at DCD, Army HR Forum, Career Management Forum and
other meetings on monthly basis. Manage the Acting Allowance system.
Manage members at closing down Units. Manage the Empowerment Program
in the SA Army.
ENQUIRIES : WO2 X.M. Mpongoshe/Ms E.T. Nyakhulalini Tel No: 012 355 1455/1602
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Headquarters Unit (Army Headquarters).
Dequar Road, Private Bag X981, Pretoria, 0001

Directorate: Training Command
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (NQF Level 4) Certificate or equivalent with National Diploma/Degree
in Language/Applied Linguistics, Communication, Education, Training and
Development (ETD) and Project Management qualification/ B Tech related
qualification. Minimum of three (3) or more years’ experience in language
related field. Special requirements (Skills needed): Computer literacy (MS
Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint). Sufficient knowledge and understanding
departmental processes within the DOD. Qualified in PERSOL system and
remain abreast with relevant departmental policies. Good communication skills
(Verbal and Written). Ability to work under pressure and client orientated.
Good interpersonal relationship and problem solving skills. Maintain selfdiscipline and able to interpret policy directives.
DUTIES : Manage the SANDF COLET Language Section, including the attendance of
internal and external meetings, as well as subject specialist meetings and
workshops. Provide and on-request ETD language and effective
communication consultation service (editing, translation, proof-reading,
re4writing, advice, etc.) to COLET and DOD ETD clients. Liaise and interact
within the DOD, government and private institutions on ETD language
communication-related services and products as the need arise. Evaluate and
improve the instructional communication effectiveness of COLET’s
professional output (instruction, instructional designs and educational media).
Design and develop, improve the design and development and/or provide
consultation on design and development of language and communicationrelated programs. Guest lecture, facilitate, coach, assess, moderate and/or
quality assure on language and communication-related programs. Maintain the
SANDF COLET ETD Glossary. Promote language and communication-related
development by publishing (as editor) a language newsletter.
ENQUIRIES : Lt Col N.L. Sawall, Dr A. Voges and Ms S. Santhu Tel No: (012) 654 3248.
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SANDF COLET, 20 Driver Avenue, Club view,
Centurion, 0014 or hand delivered to South African National Defence Force
College of Educational Technology, Corner, Driver and Golf Avenues, Club
view, Centurion, 0137
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Management

Directorate: Training Command
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (NQF Level 4) Certificate or equivalent with National Diploma/Degree
in Learning Media Development, Communication, Education, Training and
Development (ETD) and Project Management qualification/ B Tech related
qualification. Minimum three (3) or more years’ experience in learning media
related field. Special requirements (Skills needed): Knowledge and experience
in graphic design, computer skills; Understanding and knowledge of video
graphics; Initiative; Creativity; Language proficiency; Great interpersonal skills;
Adaptability and problem solving skills; Basic photographic skills. Experience
in the layout of training (educational) material will serve as an added
advantage. Financial Planning, Project Design, and Monitoring and Evaluation
(M&E) processes. Understanding of the PFMA, SAQA (NQF), Defence Review
2015; Presentation and stakeholder consultation skills; Networking, Change
Management, Risk and Media Liaison skills; People management skills. Ability
to think independently; Self-driven, and deliver on objectives as planned.
Compliance with the Department of Defence Command and Control
processes. Willingness to travel/relocate. In possession of a valid RSA
passport and driver’s license. Strategic leadership and management capability.
Ability to analyze, develop and implement high level management reports for
various stakeholders. Problem solving and analysis; Data management;
Conflict management and negotiation skills.
DUTIES : Manage all phases relating to production of learning media, as well as Project
Closure. Evaluate media during the various production phases and the
effectiveness when used during the learning process. Design/develop, plan
and produce educational media according to a written job card or story board.
Collect reference material and compile concepts. Design interactive computer
graphic work, as well as paper-based art. Basic photographic in support of the
unit and training as per requirements. Administer and maintain product
development. Conduct overall quality assurance of work/media. Facilitate or
provide in-post training of all media related learning content when required.
Facilitate brainstorming sessions with regard to media learning content when
ENQUIRIES : Lt Col N.L. Sawall, Dr A. Voges and Ms S. Santhu Tel No: (012) 654 3248
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SANDF COLET, 20 Driver Avenue, Clubview,
Centurion, 0014 or hand delivered to South African National Defence Force
College of Educational Technology, Corner, Driver and Golf Avenues,
Clubview, Centurion, 0137
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Management

REF NO: ARMYHQ/02/04/23/04
SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE : SA Army Headquarters Unit, Dequar Road, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum qualification: NQF Level 4, Certificate in Management Services or
Work Study. EQUATE JE course (analyst and panel) qualified. Special
requirements (skills needed): Analytical. Computer and numerical literacy.
Facilitation and presentation. Communication, listening and interpreting skills.
Knowledge of relevant policies and standards. Knowledge of JE. Knowledge
of DOD. Confidential security clearance.
DUTIES : Construct a recommended process design, support the specific mandate.
Determine the inherent work and job requirements needed to deliver the
output. Construct the functional structure. Determine the post detail and
construct an organisational structure reflecting the aims, functions and post
establishment. Post profiles should be included. Determine the structure cost
of the proposed organisational structure. Submit a complete report on
proposed organisational structure for approval. Monitor implementation to
ensure correctness. Prepare job evaluation JE pre-interview questionnaires,
moderating forms, etc. Distribute JE pre-interview questionnaires. Compilation
of post profiles. Conducting interview. Complete job analysis questionnaires.
Capture Job Evaluation data on the EQUATE system or other JE system as
prescribed. Presentation to Moderation Committee. Prepare and submit
standard reports of job evaluation results. Answering enquiries wrt results.
Update JE database and relevant statistics of all job evaluations as completed.
ENQUIRIES : WO2 X.M. Mpongoshe/Ms E.T. Nyakhulalini Tel No: 012 355 1455/1602
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Headquarters Unit (Army Headquarters).
Dequar Road, Private Bag X981, Pretoria, 0001

SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE : SA Army Headquarters Unit, Dequar Road, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum qualification: Grade 12/ NQF Level 4. Certificate in Management
Services with 3 years’ experience. EQUATE JE (analyst and panel) qualified.
Special requirements (skills needed): Analytical. Computer and numerical
literacy. Facilitation and presentation. Communication, listening and
interpreting skills. Knowledge of relevant policies and standards. Knowledge of
JE. Knowledge of DOD. Confidential security clearance.
DUTIES : Prepare JE pre-interview questionnaires, moderating forms, etc. Distribute JE
pre-interview questionnaires. Compile job descriptions. Conduct interviews.
Complete job analysis questionnaires (analysts). Capture data on JE and
EQUATE systems (or other JE systems, as prescribed). Give presentations to
the moderating committee. Prepare standard reports on JE results. Answer
queries wrt results. Maintain and update the database and statistics of all
completed JEs. Ensure that evaluated posts are filed in clearly labelled files
that are easily accessible for benchmarking and reference purposes.
Administrate the SA Army JE database. Create databases in accordance with
DIMS guidelines. Allocate unique numbers to all posts on the approved SA
Army establishment. Provide statistical data on evaluated jobs. Ensure the
capturing of SA Army data on the DOD database at DIMS on a monthly basis.
Administrate the SA Army EQUATE database. Administrate the SA Army
EQUATE docking station. Update the SA Army EQUATE database. Render a
comprehensive Management and Renewal Service advisory service wrt JE.
ENQUIRIES : WO2 X.M. Mpongoshe/Ms E.T. Nyakhulalini Tel No: 012 355 1455/1602
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Headquarters Unit (Army Headquarters).
Dequar Road, Private Bag X981, Pretoria, 0001

SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE : SA Army Combat Training Centre, Lohatla
REQUIREMENTS : Teachers diploma, Degree (NQF Level 5) with 8 year experience of ETD. Must
be computer literate (MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint). Special
requirements (Skills needed): Have a thorough understanding of technical
aspects of ETD. Good Communication skills (Verbal and Written),
Interpersonal relationship and problem solving skills, Analytical skills. Quality
Assurance. Numerical and literacy skills.
DUTIES : Coordinating the design of a variety of training material. Design conducting and
coordinating research in ETD. Facilitating skills development of learners.
Designing integrated assessment for a learning programme. Guiding and
counselling learners. Managing a curriculum and a learning system. Evaluating
learning programs. Liaison with tertiary institutions. Coordinating transport
facilities. Training officer support.
ENQUIRIES : Maj A.B. Moratiwa Tel No: 053 321 2067/8/9, WO2 S.N. de Beer Tel No: 053
321 2115
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence. SA Army Combat Centre, Private Bag x3001,
Postmasburg, 8420

SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE : SA Army Headquarters Unit, Dequar Road, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum qualification: BA degree/NQF Level 7 in applied
linguistic/Language/Communication. Two (2) years’ experience in the doctrine
and policy environment. Special requirements (skills needed): Knowledge of
the military preferably accredited with the South African Translators’ Institute
(SATI). Confidential security clearance.
DUTIES : Plan and give guidance as Chief Language Practitioner (1st leg) (SO2 Editing).
Give language advice to D Army Doc & Policy wrt doctrine and policy. Submit
required inputs for AMC stats, quarterly status reports and annual status
reports to D Army Doc & Policy. Represent the SA Army at Language Services
Unit meetings in own capacity as language practitioner when required to do so.
Receive and answer enquiries on compiling communications, suitable linguistic
choices, correct register, layout and terminology in support of C Army and staff.
Analyse and improve language usage by editing high profile Army HQ
communications for correctness and successful communication. Analyse and
interpret the DOD Language Policy. Perform the editing and proofreading
function. Participate in translation tasks. Standardise administrative, operating
and technical (AOT) policy issuances, technical publications, instructions and
orders from the chief directorates and SA Army Infantry, Support, Artillery, Air
Defence Artillery, Armour, Engineer, Intelligence, Signal and Training
Formations. Liaise with internal and external language specialists to
benchmark the SA Army processing activities in order to achieve
professionalism and efficiency. Coordinate the lexicographical/linguistic
aspects of systemisation and standardisation of SA Army terminology. Assist
SSO Dev & Maint in integrating specialist terminology lists compiled by the SA
Army formations and the Army HQ in the application of processing activities.
Benchmark SA Army terminology with NATO, US and UK terminology. Answer
all internal and external enquiries on SA Army terminology. Conduct the
processing function in accordance with the internal work procedures of C Dir
Army F Prep and Dir Army Doc & Policy and the objective work programme of
Dir Army Doc & Policy. Research, compile, update and review SWPs on the
processing function. Conduct logistical administration and assist the
administration clerk as inventory holder for the offices of the Processing
ENQUIRIES : WO2 X.M. Mpongoshe/Ms E.T. Nyakhulalini Tel No: 012 355 1455/1602
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Headquarters Unit (Army Headquarters),
Dequar Road, Private Bag X981, Pretoria, 0001.

Directorate: Training Command
SALARY : R218 064 per annum (Level 06)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (NQF Level 4) Certificate or equivalent and a minimum of one (1)
year experience in desktop publishing. Job related knowledge: Excellent typing
skills (at least 35 words per minute).Special requirements (Skills needed):
Computer desktop publishing skills with up to date MS Office knowledge and
experience (course results to serve as proof). Excellent interpersonal skills are
essential. Experience in the layout of training (educational) material will be
relevant, as well as experience in basic graphic design. Prolonged use of a
computer is one of the physical demands of the post.
DUTIES : Design paper-based and electronic (digital) desktop publishing work
(drafts/planning according to a job card which is a written task description with
target dates). Develop (compile and produce) paper-based and electronic
(digital) desktop publishing work. Quality assure own work. Management of
own office area (doing and checking of inventory; planning of stationery office
purchases, etc.), and administering of own work (save and back-ups).
ENQUIRIES : Lt Col N.L. Sawall, Dr A. Voges and Ms S. Santh Tel No: (012) 654 3248
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SANDF COLET, 20 Driver Avenue, Clubview,
Centurion, 0014 or hand delivered to South African National Defence Force
College of Educational Technology, Corner, Driver and Golf Avenues,
Clubview, Centurion, 0137 for attention Human Resource Management.

SALARY : R181 599 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : SA Army Signal Formation, School of Signals, Wonderboom
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of Grade 12/NQF Level 4: Special requirements (skills needed):
Computer literate, ability to interpret relevant directives and instructions/
guidelines, problem solving and reasoning, good office management skills and
communication (written and verbal) skills. Must be able to obtain a confidential
clearance within a year.
DUTIES : Perform general clerical duties. Update registers and statistics. Handle routine
and enquiries. Make photocopies and receive/send facsimiles. Distribute
documents/packages to various stakeholders as required on a daily basis.
Deliver documents and collect to and collect them from areas surrounding the
HQ. Keep and maintain the filling system. Type letters and other
correspondence, when required. Keep and maintain the incoming and outgoing
register. Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to
procurement of goods and services. Obtain quotation and complete
requirement forms for purchasing of standard office equipment. Maintain the
effective logistical support, functioning and management, by conducting
monthly equipment control. Update the inventory. Do annual, quarterly and
biannual stocktaking. Manage and be responsible for safekeeping of
equipment and stores. Attend weekly coordinating and communication
meetings. Control office stationery. Maintain leave register. Maintain
attendance register. Keep and maintain personnel record. Arrange travelling
and accommodation. Check correctness of substance and travel claims of
officials and submit to management for approvals. Handle telephone accounts
and petty cash.
ENQUIRIES : Enquiries/Attention: Mrs A. Carstens Tel No: (012) 529- 0385.
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Signal Formation, School of Signal, Private
Bag X01, Doornpoort, Pretoria, 0017.

SALARY : R181 599 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : SA Army Signal Formation, Free State Signal Unit, Bloemfontein.
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of Grade 12 NQF Level 4.Special requirements (skills needed):
Computer literate, communication skills, ability to interpret relevant directives
and instructions/ guidelines, problem solving and analytical thinking, planning
and organising own work and that of subordinates.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be expected to perform the following duties: The
receipt and dispatching of mail/ documentation; The receipt and dispatch of
confidential and secret mail/ documentation; The classification and filing of
documentation onto files; The provision of files/ information on request; The
routing, pending, closing and opening and maintenance of files to clients; The
sending and receiving of faxes; The advising of clients wrt the classification of
records; The keeping of finding aids (inventories, lists) to enable the retrieval
of records; The assisting of the Chief Records Administrator; The first line
supervision over Records Administrator/s and Messenger; The transferring of
closed records to the record center at the Signal Unit and preparation of
records for disposal; The ability to render a Record Management service
independently; The providing of inputs wrt Record Management to the Signal
Unit; The answering of enquiries wrt Record Management; The regular liaison
with client and interpretation of client requirements; The training of
ENQUIRIES : SSgt S.B. Sibaca Tel No: (051) 402 1992.
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Signal Formation, Free State Signal Unit,
Tempe Military Base X 40011, Bloemfontein, Tempe, 0106.

SALARY : R181 599 per annum (Level 06)
CENTRE : SA Army Signal Formation Gauteng Signal Unit, Geo Location: Heidelberg.
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of Grade 12 NQF Level 4.Special requirements (skills needed):
Computer literate, communication skills, ability to interpret relevant directives
and instructions/ guidelines, problem solving and analytical thinking, planning
and organising own work and that of subordinates.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be expected to perform the following duties: The
receipt and dispatching of mail/ documentation; The receipt and dispatch of
confidential and secret mail/ documentation; The classification and filing of
documentation onto files; The provision of files/ information on request; The
routing, pending, closing and opening and maintenance of files to clients; The
sending and receiving of faxes; The advising of clients wrt the classification of
records; The keeping of finding aids (inventories, lists) to enable the retrieval
of records; The assisting of the Chief Records Administrator; The first line
supervision over Records Administrator/s and Messenger; The transferring of
closed records to the record center at the Signal Unit and preparation of
records for disposal; The ability to render a Record Management service
independently; The providing of inputs wrt Record Management to the Signal
Unit; The answering of enquiries wrt Record Management; The regular liaison
with client and interpretation of client requirements; The training of
ENQUIRIES : Enquiries/Attention: WO2 S. Vuma Tel No: (012) 674-4819
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Gauteng Signal Unit, Private Bag X 1038, Thaba
Tshwane, 0143.

SALARY : R151 884 per annum (Level 04)
CENTRE : SA Army Headquarters, Dequar Road, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum requirements of Grade 10 or any relevant equivalent certificate
Special requirements (skills needed): Basic planning and organising skills. Be
able to work independently and team work, good communication skills, and
basic literacy.
DUTIES : Operate cleaning machinery and equipment. Provide a high standard of
cleaning of offices ablution facilities. Ensure general hygiene, floor cleaning,
washing of floor, scrubbing and polishing floors, windows, walls, carpets,
furniture’s, vacuuming of carpets removing of garbage from dustbin on the daily
basis. Effective use of cleaning equipment to assist in performing mentioned
duties/tasks. Cleaners will be utilised either at the offices or at mess.
ENQUIRIES : Major J. Manaka or Ms E.T. Nyakhulalini Tel No: 012 355 1516/1602.
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Headquarter, Private bag X 982, Pretoria,
0001 or may be hand delivered at SA Army Headquarters Unit Dequar Road.

POST 04/48 : MESSENGER REF NO: ARMRFMN/02/04/23/12
SALARY : R128 166 per annum (Level 03)
CENTRE : SA Army Armour Fmn HQ, Pretoria.
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of Grade 3-9 or ABET L1-4. Special requirements (Skills needed):
Ability to communicate effectively (verbal) in English. Basic Numeracy, basic
interpersonal relationship, interpersonal skills, organising skills, basic literacy
and computer skills. Must have a valid South African Code 8 (EB) driving
license, with 0 (zero) restrictions.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be expected to perform the following duties:
Fetch and deliver post, packages, files and submissions to and from pre-
identified addresses. Deliver and collect files and documents within the
directorate. Distribute and collect documents/articles within the directorate/unit.
Update and maintain the register iro documents delivered/received. Travel to
delivery destinations on foot, by bicycle or car. Assist from time to time with the
execution of filing functions attached to the registry office. Assist with functions
in the registry environment. Keep a register of files/documents/letters delivered
and received.
ENQUIRIES : Ms S.B. Bambo Tel No: 012 355 2891
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Armour Formation, Private Bag X172,
Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Corner of Patriot and Koraalboom Str,
Sebokeng Building, Pretoria, 0001.

POST 04/49 : MESSENGER REF NO: ARTYFMN/02/04/23/13
SALARY : R128 166 per annum (Level 03)
CENTRE : SA Army Arty Fmn HQ
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of Grade 3-9 or ABET L1-4.Special requirements (Skills needed):
Ability to communicate effectively (verbal) in English. Basic Numeracy, basic
interpersonal relationship, interpersonal skills, organising skills, basic literacy
and computer skills. Must have a valid South African Code 8 (EB) driving
license, with 0 (zero) restrictions.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be expected to perform the following duties:
Fetch and deliver post, packages, files and submissions to and from preidentified addresses. Deliver and collect files and documents within the
directorate. Distribute and collect documents/articles within the directorate/unit.
Update and maintain the register iro documents delivered/received. Travel to
delivery destinations on foot, by bicycle or car. Assist from time to time with the
execution of filing functions attached to the registry office. Assist with functions
in the registry environment. Keep a register of files/documents/letters delivered
and received.
ENQUIRIES : Lt Col P.V. Tengana Tel No: 012 355-2881 Ms T.N. Nkoana Tel No: 012 355-
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence & Military Veterans, SA Army Artillery Formation,
Private Bag X172, Pretoria, 0001. Hand delivery address: Cnr Patriot &
Koraalboom str, Sebokeng complex, Pretoria.

POST 04/50 : PLAN PRINTER REF NO: ENGFMN/02/04/23/14
SALARY : R128 166 per annum (Level 03)
CENTRE : SA Army Engineer Formation (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of ABET Level 1-4 or Grade 3-9. Previous Messenger experience
will be an advantage. Special requirements (skills needed): Communicate in
English, Basic knowledge of Administration.
DUTIES : Operate the photocopier and printer machines, Printing, Binding and
laminating of documents, Provide counter queries, Perform minor maintenance
of photocopier and printer machine and make acquisition of photocopying and
printing materials.
ENQUIRIES : WO2 J.V. Blaar Tel No: 012 671 6126
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Engineer Formation, Private bag X08, Thaba
Tshwane, 0143

Z83 Application form

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